Wait, that’s how the cool kids talk, right? However you want to say it. Ikea are absolutely killing it with their patterns at the minute.
We took a trip to our favourite big blue warehouse in Manchester today. We’re lucky really that we have one so nearby which means we can pop it regularly for a grand day out. Living on a tight budget means it’s pretty ideal when we want the likes of candles and cutlery topping up (and FYI 90p for 16 pieces of children’s cutlery – YES!) Not to mention that now our little toddler is running and climbing, everywhere seems like an adventure. With it being a particularly miserable day outside, IKEA was our location of choice for the family Sunday adventure. On this occasion, we just wanted to pop in and grab some of their cheapy fleece blankets for our ferret’s bed.
(I know how weird that sounds. Imaging those crazy cat ladies, but replace the old woman with me, and the cats with 4 ferrets. You get the idea…)
But it’s impossible to just “pop in” to IKEA isn’t it? Instead, I ended up snapping pictures of EVERYTHING on my phone, making a virtual wishlist of things to come back for when payday hits. And as you can see, it’s not a short list…
So enjoy my favourite picks of the latest IKEA patterns from cushions, rugs, table runners, drapes and the fabric ranges. Now, help – WHICH DO I BUY!?
This was a presentation tray but doesn’t it remind you of Roald Dahl’s Twits?
And becase it was a family day out, here are a few bonus pictures of my little lady having a browse. She wanted to try every. single. thing.
She played under the canopy beds, sat on the kiddy dining chairs, and obviously tried to eat most of the furniture too.
We also tried to get an obligatory IKEA selfie because their wardrobe mirrors are ideal for it. But I think we need to work on our selfie game…
Hope you had a great weekend everyone!